My loyal slave has gifted me a tattoo gun kit from my wishlist. Now all I have to do is practice and learn then your time has finally come. Of course I will make sure that my mark is bold and calls for attention. Or small and discreet to remind you of your place in this world. No matter. I am excited for the new possibilities of branding my loyal sluts. Fall in line and become my branded cult member. A pet, a mindless drone. Update 1/24/2025: Never purchase a tattoo gun from amazon, it was complete garbage. I know go figure. I wasn't expecting a quality product but I wanted to try it out, it was so exciting for Me. And it still is! I did get an idea on how to handle a tattoo gun but I need a beginners professional grade tattoo gun from a tattoo supply store. I want to purchase this item from . Send Tribute to cover the cost of said machine, they usually start at $250+ I also want to get the silicone skin and ink . Hurry up and make me Proud. I also would love to brand a slave with a hot piece of iron. Mmmm the sound of your skin scorching for a moment is a perfect way to showcase your devotion to Me. Humble yourself.
Branding Slaves
Updated: Jan 24